Sunday, May 31, 2015


So I have recently become aware of some level of anti-tattooed mothers campaign... I have not researched it much yet, I was far too annoyed and felt I should voice my opinions before I researched the topic and maybe changed my mind. I am of course kidding, I have done a very small amount of research and do not know enough to share with you all anything other than my opinion.

So the one portion of the campaign that really struck me was a pictured of a crying baby with tattoos choking it, the tattoos were in the shape of a hand and contained such words as "moron" "idiot" "trash" and some others but I could not read all of them. Being a person with tattoos I have heard similar statements made about me, though not many. Not even enough to be offended by them, but I get it.

I do not comprehend why people with tattoos are vilified, people with out tattoos also commit crimes, I have know far more people with tattoos that have never broken the law than people with out who have. I will not admit t being perfect. Ageless, wise, conceited, and humble? Yes, but perfect? No.

I have my tattoos to remember moments, to pay homage to media I have enjoyed, to show the world my love of an other human being. I have two bro-mance tats and my wedding ring (though the wedding is over) is also a tattoo. I have no intention of getting rid of, or covering any of them. Most of my tats mean something to me and the ones that don't were acquired for the purpose of having frivolous tats... And they now mean something as well. For the people whose tattoos mean nothing to them I am not saying they have to mean something, I don't care why you have them, you are welcome to tell me if you like but that is none of my business.

I like the fact that I have art, some good some bad, on me. I like the fact that I have been marked, I have an intentional scar that looks like something, on purpose. I have scars, I have tattoos, I have a job, I have a life, and I have friends. I am no more or less perfect than anyone else and I make no judgements. So for those without tats that think no one should have them your opinions are just as valid as mine, but please stop trying to make other people that I am a bad person for having chosen to have an image put on me.

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