Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I don't know how many of you currently are, or have suffered from depression, though I assume a number of you at the very least... I mean you saw a post with the title and had to keep reading, right?

Anyway not many people can fully appreciate the true feeling of depression without having been there at least once. I don't just mean sad, I mean an icy grip in the middle of your chest that tells you that you wont amount to anything so why even try. That ball in the pt of your stomach that says just go back to sleep if you don't wake up ever again you will be happier for it. That throb in the back of your head that makes you want to cry , and scream, and spit, and punch, and maim, and burn, and destroy everything staring with yourself... Thats what i am talking about.

Though, I am sure all of you are aware, I have never had to deal with this particular malady, as The King I reside well above the problems of mortals. But for those of you who have felt this way, and those of you that do, and those of you that are going to. I say unto you, unprompted, unscripted, unsolicited, and unwashed There are people out there that care about you. People that want you to stay alive, people that will help you if you let them. In this world with its billions of people we are never truly alone... And it may seem it, but we are never truly insignificant either. I hope this helped I truly do, and I am always willing to talk in person, over the phone, via email, instant message, carrier pigeon (though I will have to learn that one) with you if you just need a shoulder.

I may not actually be good for much, but I have a sympathetic ear,
Your King Badger

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