Friday, November 27, 2015

Winter Time Blues

I feel that the title of this one is extremely misleading, but it still gets the point across. I love the winter, the snow makes me happy, and as stated in other posts I love smoking when I can see my own breath. But the winter has some other side effects, that would not be a problem... But...

My sleep schedule rapidly shifts all over the place, and if I were retired it would be great, I have trouble sleeping when it is dark and snowing all I want to do is go out and play in it, but I do currently have a job and not sleeping on a regular schedule messes up my performance. I also have trouble finding motivation to go outside if I am not going out to participate in the winter time fun that can be had.

Since I have energy regulation trouble, I like to put all of my energy into whatever I am doing but if it is before I have to work then once again I choose to do nothing. This leads to a totally solvable depression as it is difficult to ride the line of being awake, but inactive. I played a lot of video games growing up but would still have to get up and run around every thirty minutes to an hour. I have trouble understanding how anybody can stay in one position for long... This is why I never pursued my dream of becoming a trucker. I have trouble driving across town. No disrespect meant to those who can/do/want to do these things just know that I don't understand it.

I also hate having water in my shoes, I feel most can identify with this sentiment, and it is a pain in the ass to pick a path that will not lead to soggy loafers. If I am at home this is not a problem I only wear my shoes for playing in the snow but, going back to the work complaints, if I am forced to wear the same soggy sneakers for hours on end (especially if I did not actively choose to do this) is very uncomfortable.

What complaints do you all have about the winter? Or what is your favorite season, and what do you hate about it?

"These are not all of the many simple things you can find wrong with me. Once would you tell me please..." Jimmie's Chicken Shack

The winiest King
King Badger

I am starting to run low on questions, so as always feel welcome post them here.

"Is it unethical to keep cars and dogs as pets?"

This has been one I have been looking forward to answering since it showed up on the list. I assume that this was supposed to read "Cats and Dogs" but since I am a smart ass and do not believe that we keep cats as pets, they keep us as servants, I will answer the question as it is.

Short answer is no. Long answer is far more complicated. I feel that keeping pets, as long as they are treated well and do not have their freedom imposed upon, too much, then there is nothing wrong with it. As far as cars go, until they become too intelligent then keeping them as pets is weird but not unethical. I feel that being a pet is a rather charmed life, for the pets that are not abused. Always having a roof to sleep under, feed to eat, and companionship is something that we as animals seek but have to have jobs to have them. Dogs get all of this for just being a dog, though they can not wander where they want they are kept fed, happy, and healthy.

I do however have many issues with selective breeding. Again with cars this is not so much a problem, though a little unorthodox... Breeding cars in not the way to make a baby car, Jus' Sayin'. I feel that encouraging the intentional breeding of dogs to "keep the breed pure" is going to cause a mass extinction of many breeds in years to come. We have destroyed many breeds in this fashion. Poodles have to have a special diet, or their stomach will literally flip and twist itself off killing the dog if immediate medical attention is not attained soon enough. Many breeds of bull dog have to struggle to just breath, born with faces so deformed that oxygen does not pass easily through their head, mouth included... And many of the larger breeds of dog have so many issues I am surprised they live long enough to make puppies, between hip, spine, and other bone problems it is surprising that they can even stand. Their soft tissues is also not safe most of their internal organs fail before they are even ten years old.

They may be beautiful creatures, but I would not wish that on my worst enemy if they were as smart as people (I am not saying they are not, I am using this phrasing because I don't want to get into my philosophy on animal intelligence right now) then they would actually wish they had never been born, it is a painful struggle just to live when you can't eat, breathe, or move... So animals as pets, totally cool... Animals for show, suck a bag of dicks.

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