Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This Heat Can Suck a Bag of Donkeys!

So, I know that my sibling wrote about the heat in the last post, but thats what I wanted to write about so I retroactively calling dibs.

Every time I hear someone bitching about how hot it is now, all I can think about is how much they bitched when it was cold. As all of you, that know me, know I wear a t-shirt and pants pretty much year round. I was walking about a mile to work this winter, and it was cold... But I loved it. I love the snow, I love the way the whole world looks a little dead but like it is getting ready to come back.

The thing I find most amusing about this is that I hold a belief about personalities and how they tie in to elements. While I 100% feel that they are not static I have been a fire for a long damned time now, and still prefer winter. I think it is because a fire is more useful in the winter. I thrive on helping people, I don't believe in altruism and helping people doesn't necessarily make me feel good about myself, but I think that feeling useful is better than feeling happy.

All that being said this heat makes me want to go camping, but how can I go camping if I can't have a fire? Or I suppose I should phrase that "Should not have a fire." While I like fire, and watching things burn I like forest creatures more than I like watching something change states.

I beg your pardon for the ramble, but my brains are about over-medium right now.

Uses salt and pepper when he scrambles his brains
King Badger

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Heat Wave

So Montana in general has fairly mild temperature in the summer. This last week we have been breaking records every day with how hot it is. We didn’t get enough snow or rain to do anything good so the fire warning is at extreme and there is a stage 1 ban on fireworks. Most of you probably already know this.

The Fourth of July is about so much more than blowing stuff up and lighting things on fire. If we took a break from it this year as we’ve been advised to do it isn’t going to hurt anyone. However if people ignore these warnings they could jump start the fire season and this could hurt tons of people.  The smoke often fills the valley and gets trapped in here for a while.

There is always next year, and if you bought fireworks this year already, on New Year’s you can light them off legally. So please adhere to the fire advisory rules because it may not be your house that gets burned down, but it could happen to someone else. 

-Badger Rose

Friday, June 26, 2015

Poetry is Hard

A sermon in the form of a poem.

Here in this church we believe many things
From trial and error our poor thoughts gain wings
Our wisdom hard earned and well fought for
We seek all we can craving always for more

We drink from no chalice but pass me a flask
If you don't know us you might as well ask
If never you ask you shall never learn
If never you question you shall always yearn

Question everything or deserve all you get
There is but one lesson we shall tech you yet
Accept all as they are and tolerate not the false
Life is a dance but make your own waltz

Roll with the punches throw a few of your own
No one can you what you will call home
This church rolls but also it rocks
The Honey Badgers
First Montana Orthodox

Sorry for that I haven't written poetry since I was young and misunderstood, like everyone my age. But I felt the need to try to lay some verse out there. I love creative expression in just about any form. As long as it is to be creative expression and not simply destruction.

I love graffiti, I love art that is made to exist only for a moment, for the people/person who saw it created. Sculptures, paintings, photographs, are all very cool but not many have really touched me the same way a pattern walked into the sand at low tide has. I should come clean I have only seen pictures of this, because I live inland but given the opportunity I would spend hours watching it, just to have been there. I also feel that pictures capture the essence f that art and steal it.

This is just how I feel however. Where do your thoughts ride on that front? What calls out to you?

Does anyone know why I am the King, or what it means?
King Badger

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Introduction and Stay at Home Parenthood

Some of you may know that Badger the King has a younger sister. I am that sister. I am also going to join these fine gentlemen in writing for this blog. I am generally not the most active member of the church, this is mostly due the fact that I am fortunate enough to be a homemaker. Which I feel like more children need.  

This generation has been programmed to need instant gratification, and to always be entertained. There is a severe lack of discipline in this age of working parents and technology. People would rather get their kids out of their hair and sit them in front of the TV, tablet, or computer. I feel that it is important for children to play outside and make their own adventures rather than spending all their summer playing inside on someone else’s story. 

I am not saying it is not okay to play video games or to let children play video games. I am just saying that there needs to be more outside play and less screen time. In my house we have a rule, if the sun is shining my oldest is either outside playing or playing with Legos. The baby will have the same rule once he’s bigger. For now we all just run around the yard fighting dragons, eating cobra feasts, and playing in the sprinkler. Then once the sun goes down if he earned it we play a little Minecraft. 

I love being able to stay home with my kids, and I love that they know they are loved. They never have to wonder about that, which for some that’s not the case.  The best thing you can give your children is your time, attention, and affection. 

Catch ya on the flip side.
-Badger Rose

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hands of Smoke.

Time, the measurement of life. Every second is another pulse in the universe escaping the miniscule understanding of our minds. A second hand that we attempt to grasp with hands of smoke.

Music and the sleepless nights

I heard a thing recently. It was a song I knew by heart and it was comforting. It helped to take me away for a moment and ease the stresses of the world.

I recently learned that 90% of the time people listen to music, they are listening to something they have already heard and are familiar with. It is an interesting fact because what that means is when we find the kind of music we like, we stop looking for anything new. We rarely change our views. It is almost as if our musical choices represent something we are in full control over and something that never has to change. It becomes our link to the past, a way to remember the times we've had, good, bad, or indifferent. Music, for better or worse, helps us relive our personal stories.

And that is absolutely incredible to me. That a 3 minute series of sounds can have such a profound effect on the mind. So sit back, relax, relive some good memories while you sip your scotch and smoke that cigar from your easy chair. I know I will be doing just that in at least one alternate reality and maybe even with you.

The Grand Badger.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

El Gato Es Muy Bueno

As should be obvious from the title I love cats, and know rudimentary spanish (but that is beside the point).

Anyway, I have one known only as Baby Kitty, she is a giant fat stink weasel but I loves her, and she helps me deal with many things in my life, from feeling lazy, to over eating, to not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. She is there when I need something to be adorable to remind me not everything sucks.

But while I sit and watch her mince about the room, get stuck in something I have no idea as to why she thought she could fit in, or generally pretend that she is ferocious I often find myself contemplating why someone saw and level of wild cat and thought "I want a small version of this to live in my house, poop in a box, and knock shit off of my shelves."

The thing that is funny to me about that line of though is that larger cats really are just that. Cats like to lay in the sun and have their tummies rubbed. Cats like to wrap their entire being around a toy and pretend to kill it. Cats like to knock shit over.

There are obviously some differences, but for the most part they are the same animal. It is crazy and terrifying... I want you to sit and picture your own tiny fluff ball, that is currently eating off of your plat or spilling your beverage, the size of one of these big cats and think about what life would be like with that one change.

You would clearly need a bigger litter box, but beyond that, I feel strangely little. Or take the time to contemplate a tiger getting its head stuck in a bowl, or darting in and out of a giant paper bag... Not much of a stretch is it? Have any other good videos or cats ding cat things? Share them in the comments.

Go pet a Kitty
King Badger

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day is a thing

So first I must apologize for my sporadic posting. I having trouble writing without  inspiration and lately, that has not been forth coming. Today, however, was father's day! And what more inspiration do you need than a national holiday to recognize that you are a male with a child? That being said, let us get right down to it. I present to you my thoughts on father's day (and all other "day" sorts of holidays).

I think it is nice that they give a special day to each parent. Father's day, Mother's day, President's day. Hell, abe lincoln was a great parent to me. But I often wonder, why do we need a holiday specifically for those we care about? I spent a lot of time this last weekend with my family. I hung out with my brother and his children at our dad's house and it was a great time. The thing is, I have never been big on set holidays and here is why.

I live about 5 hours away from my parents and a lot farther from some of my other family and when we get together, no matter the time of year, it is always a celebration. We have never needed a holiday as an excuse. In my mind, this weekend was just another of many good family weekends to come and some day, it will be with my great nieces and nephews as well. Hopefully not for many many years, but time is strange. I have always felt that holidays are just an excuse to sell shit.

The real point of all these days is that you spend your time with those you care about. It could be blood relatives, it could be families bonded by marriage. It can even be with the family you chose because your chosen friends are spectacular. In fact, every party i go to in order to hang out with my friends is at least as good, if not better sometimes, than the times I spend with my family.

So as these random holidays go on, remember this. You shouldn't need a special day to call someone and say you care and you shouldn't need a special occasion to hang out with those you love. Just do it. Be happy and love freely

The Grand and Sporadic Badger Lando

Friday, June 19, 2015


So I know that you are all aware of the Honey Badger slogan "Honey Badger don't care! Honey Badger don't give a F*ck! He takes what he wants!" This has rung true for quite some time but it needs modification.

Since starting this movement I have done much research on Honey Badgers and have learned much. I always assumed that Honey Badgers were one of the animals that would abandon their young, or eat them... But Honey Badgers actually look after their young for up to two years.

Baby Honey Badgers are very bad at honey badger. Their little faces show all of the concern forever, they have to learn to be tough and fearsome, they have to learn that they are a force to be reckoned with. They are much like people in that aspect. When we are born we are tiny, soft, fragile, born without killer intent. We slowly learn to shut ourselves off to the rest of the world to hate those who are different, to get upset at the slightest provocation...

So what we, The Honey Badgers, seek to do within this world is to help those who choose to be a member of our little club be reborn as honey badgers.

This requires some explanation. Humans are an unstoppable force of growth and destruction, Honey Badgers care about their young and their needs. Humans want to be at the top and do everything we can to show that we are, Honey Badgers know that the top is an arbitrary position and seek to just keep existing and being happy. Humans are filled with rage and hatred, Honey Badgers are filled with hunger and ferocity.

So I spent my fledgling years as a Honey Badger carving out my own path as did many of the others. Lando and I who have headed this movement have always done what we can to be their to help with an outside perspective and hearts free of judgement, but I have spent my years as a cub and feel that I am coming into my Honey Badger adulthood. This does not mean that I, or anyone else no matter what they tell you, am any more capable of making decisions for you, but that I feel like I can offer advice as guidance on your path across the desert.

Honey Badger Rebirth, to me, means shedding our human instinct to have to be the best. To have to assert dominance. To have to judge others. To Have to be a member of the most popular club. It means to embrace the fact you are awesome, I am awesome, you friends are awesome, your enemies are awesome. Life itself is amazing and anything granted it has been given a wondrous gift.

Honey Badgers do not lose every fight. Honey Badgers do not win every fight. However, Honey Badgers do not engage in every fight. Honey Badger do not stick around for every fight, and sometimes they just disappear.

So as humans we are close to the Honey Badger, but we also need to modify our outlook to become as one with them. We have much to learn, and they have much to teach, but you know what they say: "You can lead a horse to water, but it is not financially sound to hold its head under until the bubbles stop."

Don't drown horses, its just mean
The King

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Wishes of Tomorrow

If I had 3 wishes, what would they be? Well first we have to ask ourselves if there are strings and rules to these wishes. Let's assume for the time being there are. You can't wish for more wishes. In that case, I would keep things very simple, as wishing is a tricky game. A lot of thought must be put into the wishes as to avoid any unwanted consequences. So let's get to it.

Wish Number 1: Simply put, I would wish for a sandwich. I like sandwiches and this is a simple enough wish that, while negative consequences could be had, I think they would be negligible.

Wish Number 2: I would wish for a new, more comfortable pair of shoes. My feet deserve a little love right?

Wish Number 3: I would wish Tesla had never passed away. Ever. Because if anyone should have been immortal, that man I think would have done a pretty solid job, even as a zombie.

In conclusion, I should not be in charge of wishes because I will "Jake the Dog" that shit. Wishes are a lot of work man.

The Grand Badger.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Knights and Deus

As many of you might know I have been taking a break from active service in the church. I still write here and work on a smaller scale but just don't currently go to service.

However on Mondays The Grand Badger and I usually still grab a beer or two from one of Missoula's local breweries and talk shop. We are usually discussing where we see this Church, this movement, going or what we would like to do to spread the word further. Sometimes we really just sit and talk about what being a Honey Badger means to us and how we can share that feeling with others that want to know. This is, as I feel, the only way for any church to be.

Religion isn't about joining the team with the most players, or force. It is about finding something that helps you to feel more complete. As Honey Badgers we are not religious, per se, we are simply cognizant. But I sidetrack myself.

So yesterday Lando and Myself were joined in our shenanigans, once again, by the Knight Badger. So while we continued as we usually do the Knight Joined in and shared with us what being a Honey Badgers means to him. What being a Honey Badger means to him is for hm to share but suffice to say that while similar it is different to what it means to me, and what it means to Lando... So really whatever being a Honey Badger means to you is probably right, about the only time that any member of the church would disagree, from my perspective, is if being a honey badger means being closed minded, being hateful, intentionally misguiding people in a mean and harmful way...

As is an example that we have used on multiple occasions when asked why we bother to follow the rules. This question usually arises at MisCon and our response is "Well Honey Badger takes what he wants, and Honey Badger want to come back to MisCon. If we choose to not follow the guidelines set forth by MisCon, MisCon is going to disallow us from returning."

But I sidetrack myself again... I will eventually get to the point I am trying to make. So to everyone out that that is working on what to tell people when there are asked what it is to be a Honey Badger I tell them "Don't Be a Dick, Question Everything, and tell them what it is about to you."

I mean why are you a Honey Badger? Why did you decide to identify as one of us? Why did you read this far if you aren't a Honey Badger? I don't actually care what your answers are, you are welcome to share them with me I would love to hear them, but I want you to know these things they mean something to you, they are part of who you are. Who you are is what the Honey Badgers celebrate, being an individual, being a person, being different, being alive, functioning through disfunction, and working with imperfection. Be Honey Badger! Be Happy!

Sorry that was the final sidetrack. All I want to tell you all about today is that The Knight Badger will be joining on this blog project and will be posting on Thursdays and Sunday, so feel welcome to greet him and mingle. Talk amongst yourselves.

I swear I was going somewhere with all of that
King Badger

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Cats and Dogs

So this one is going to be fairly short, as I have been drawing a blank on what to write about today...

I have no idea as to why people think they can only like one type of animal, for example the argument as to whether cats are better than dogs. I personally prefer either to people so  refuse to take a side.I will admit that given the way my life has been as of late (for the past many many years) I have had a cat and no dogs. Many of the places I have lived in that time only allow small dogs and I am not fond of those.

I am sure I would dislike any level of cat that acted like the cat equivalent of a small dog, The neediness is fine, but the yapping and biting  I do not tolerate... Though I suppose not many cat have that guardian instinct. I don't know, sorry to phone it in on you guys but why don't you unload at me in the comments...

Sleep hard babies
King Badger

Friday, June 12, 2015

Let's Talk Union

Unions are an interesting topic. They accomplished a lot in the time they have been around and Unions are largely responsible for the safety laws and federal work laws in place to try to keep things fair for all workers, even if you are not a member of a union.

But here is the thing. I think for the most part, unions have out lived themselves. I recently had the opportunity to join a union because in order to work at the grocery store I presently spend a large portion of my time, I had to be part of the montana grocer's union. It is $75 a month, but there are benefits. There is health insurance and paid vacation after I have been there for set amounts of time as well as career opportunities.

The problem I have is that, after only being their 2 weeks, I have already had to deal with manager b.s. as far as my breaks are concerned and the way it was put to me was this "The way the union mandated breaks work, you get a 15 min break if you hae worked for 3.5 hrs, not if you are scheduled for that much". 

Basically what that means is they can schedule my lunch way early and give me a single break after in an eight hour shift so they get an extra 15 min of work and I only get a break and a really early lunch, which is terrible because I usually eat right before going to work to tide me over. This means that when my half hour for lunch is 2 hours into my 8 hour day, it is no where near when I would normally have food. 

I am paying $75 a month to make just over minimum wage and deal with that kind of b.s. Last I checked, I can go to Wal*Mart and get treated better than I currently do as part of a union. 

I have put in new job applications with other places of business and in the mean time, I get to do just enough at work to be considered doing my job. Maybe it wont be so bad after all.

The Grand Badger

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Addiction is a disgusting word, that we throw around far too freely. Many people out there are battling one type of addiction or an other, and it is truly difficult to face.

I chose this topic, because I am in the midst of quitting smoking, which I use for many purposes. I should outline my smoking before continuing, I have wanted to smoke for as long as I can remember. The smell, the taste, the moment alone in time where you tame fire and breath it in. The fellowship that only smokers truly understand (I have shared many an enjoyable cigarette with so many enemies it is not even funny).

When I was younger Joe Camel was a pretty serious icon, I never wanted to smoke because of him, smoking was always second to what he was doing that I thought was cool. Joe Camel wore a leather jacket, I own and wear a leather jacket. Joe Camel shot pool, I love pool though am sadly out of practice with it, but was decent for a while. Joe Camel hung out with his friends, I wish I were able to do that more often. Joe Camel rode a motorcycle, I grew up around bikers and always loved it from the sounds to wind whipping through your hair while driving hazardously... It was all great, smoking was just something he also happened to be doing while all of the fun was taking place.

I am no saying Joe Camel didn't influence many, many, children to smoke. I am just saying I wanted to smoke long before I ever noticed Joe Camel did also.

But smoking aside I have dealt with a few forms of addiction. I have had video game addictions, caffeine addictions, soda addictions, even food addictions... None of them have been fun to kick.

Laugh all you want but when The Sims first came out I played it so long that I started to dream in it. I swore I could understand the language. When I was going to do something if someone stepped in my way I would throw my hands up and make an appeal to the ceiling and the mull around for a bit. This one was one of the easiest to get by. I missed my little people, my little friends, my little family... But with time Ice Ice Homey and Chickey Mofo were forgotten and my life progressed.

Caffeine on the other hand was loads of fun I got headaches nausia and nose bleeds. I couldn't think straight or tolerate people for more than a passing moment. But I got that monkey so far under control that I can now have a coffee without fear of relapse, though it is only one every now and again.

Soda one is weird, because it pertains to all aspects of soda, from the sweet sweet corn syrup-y thickness to the allegedly fruit flavored toxic color... Right down to the fizzyness. Every time I relapse, which has thankfully become more rare (I work in fast food it is hard not to grab an "Ice cold cup of refreshment" anytime I want) I ween myself off with carbonated water, soda water, whatever you want to call it. But I got the stratagy for that nailed down.

As for food, disagree all you want but I used to love McDonalds, then I didn't eat it for a long time when I finally gave in to the craving for a Big Mac it was the most delicious thing I had eaten. A few days later, however, My body felt heavy, sluggish, weak, I was nauseous, I had a headache and I though I had gotten some level of spring flu but all I could think was "A Big Mac will make me feel better I better go get one" I did and I was right but three days later it happened again, and I noticed the pattern. I don't think the conspiracies are necessarily true, but it happened to me.

So to try to finish out this ramble before you quit reading (since you obviously haven't yet) remember when you are dealing with addiction there are dumber things people have been, and currently are, addicted to and seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of be it from a friend, a stranger, a blog, or a professional/

Keep it cool babies, the Badger loves you.
King Badger

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Work and Leisure

It has been a long time since i had to truly balance my work life and my leisure time. As I may have already mentioned, I recently started working a regular day job for the first time in about 2 years and as a result, My whole world is a flurry of things. I need to schedule my time now like, when i play video games, maintaining being social with others, and my sweet sweet solo time. It is interesting to go from having a pretty open schedule to no, your days will be broken up and interrupted by seemingly random work shifts since you do not yet have a regular schedule. To all those who manage obscene amounts of things with your days, 2 jobs, full time school, friends and family, props. I have trouble enough managing my one job.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Choices and Advice

I remember once, long ago, the Honey Badgers three of the four top members of the church had decided to grab food at Perkin's after a night of heavy drinking. It was winter in the great state of Montana and we had difficulty navigating from three miles away to our destination as it was a blizzard.

Once we got to Perkins we were joined a couple of members of the church and one new initiate, through the course of our meal we were conversing quite a bit and found out that the new member of the church was contemplating driving to someplace, I d not recollect off hand where it was, but it was about a three hour drive under normal circumstances.

Everyone at the table warned her against making this trip, as we had been in the restaurant for thirty minutes and gained at least a half foot of huge wet packing snow outside. She assured us that the plow would be taking care of it, we assured her it was three in the morning and even if the plow was running it was no doing enough.

After some time we all looked at each other and it was said "If you are coming to the Honey Badgers for advice you have made some mistakes in your life. If they all agree, then follow their advice."

The reason I tell that story is this:  have found that the people that give the best advice make the worst choices. Sometimes they are aware, sometimes they are not, but if you listen to what they have to say there is an earned wisdom to it. I am not saying that you should follow all of the advice a person who routinely makes poor choices gives, I am saying listen, they have lived through the consequences of many actions and some learn and some don't but you will be able to determine what course you should take by looking at where they failed..

I personally am terrible at making good choices, the bad ones always seem funnier, but when I sit down and serious-face give advice it has gotten many friends out of trouble. Out of a bad situation, just out of the way. I have given advice to people in the same boat I am in that is opposite of what I am doing. I get called out for it and have to give a lengthy explanation of why I am making the dumb choice when I know the right one.

But this is just some advice from a person who makes terrible choices, it is now your choice as to what to do with it. Remember question everything, or you deserve everything you get.

The King.

Also, she did, in the end, decide not to drive to wherever she was going that night. As far as I am aware she is still alive and kicking.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The King of Steampunk

Don't let the title fool you I am not the king of steampunk, YET.

I have been getting into steampunk for a while I like the aesthetic, I like the sound, I like the concept. I do not however like much of the participants, but the hipster inside of me make himself well heard sometimes.

One of my favorite t-shirt/bumpersticker/coffee mug/mouse pad/ iPhone case/novelty nose-ring say "To many captains not enough airships," which is to say that most people, I have encountered, within this culture are trying to take the opportunity to seize power as they have rarely had any in the real world. I understand that, I was bullied a lot, and in-turn bullied quite a few myself (I am not proud of this but if I could change history everyone would know my name). I understand wanting to feel important, however if everyone is a captain it is as if everyone is a crewman.

Also while doing research on the topic I can not find any level of standardization. Which is great, but when speaking with people in real life they all have some level of hierarchy or status even of people who are not on an airship. People speak much of what X object means, or what Y aspect of blah equates to, but none of them seem to agree with each other. I would like there to be some level of online society or something for this culture where a person could register their ship, their crew, their standing or whatever, ect. with real world participation required to increase status. Much like the LARPing of my youth, it all may still exist I just don't spend anytime around that particular aspect of nerd-dom anymore.

Some of the best resources I found as far as ideals go have been Steampunk.com and steampunkmagazine.com. An other interesting source of information is of course wikipedia. And then a great place to look for steampunk styled gadgetry and accessory is obviously instructables.

I also leave you with some musical groups to look up that I feel do a solid job of capturing the steampunk feel, which is funny to me as the genre is Electro-Swing. But check out Steam Powered Giraffe, Caravan Palace, and Parov Stelar. An other great steam punk piece I have found is Paul Shapera's The Dolls Of New Albion my favorite song being Annabel has a Doll.

I am setting up a crew for the Dread Airship Literal Hyperbole so if you do not mind taking orders from Captain Badger the Black and White, then we could use some more hands on deck. So far we have a few members, but would like to make a scene at next year's MisCon so come be a part of something larger than yourself and bask in the King's indulgent glory.

Probably not as confident as he seems
The King

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Daily Grind.

Hello again.

Fun story, I have recently gone back to working a basic cashier job at a grocery store. The fun part about that is I remember why I ever went into customer service. I like helping people and it is great to put smiles on people's faces. That being said, I was also reminded as to why I left the customer service industries. It is truly tiring to deal with that volume of people day in and day out. Today was a rough day and it wasn't because of the customers. It wasn't from my coworkers. It wasn't even because of anything going on in my life. It was simply the fact that I have seen more faces in the last week than I have in the last 2 years and that is a lot to process and get used to. So that being said, Here is to seeing even more faces tomorrow and another day of being the insanely happy, super polite cashier I always am.


To Industry

The Grand Badger

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Curse you Clicker Heroes!

So I have been playing idle web games for a longed damned time. "But King Badger, what are idle web games?" I am sure you are asking allowed to your computing device, much to the dismay of everyone in the room with you. An Idle Web Game (IWG) as I see it is a game that rewards you for not playing it after you set it up. However the more time you waste playing it the more reward you will get until you can do nothing but go and read a book for an hour waiting for your actions to refill.

I am not talking down on these games or the players. I was playing Backyard Monsters before clash of clans. I was playing farmville when you had to "invite" people at gunpoint to fertilize your crops. There was even a DnD one that a whole bunch of my friends and I played where you needed friends to beat bosses and what not. These were all great, but all IWGs you were rewarded for simply starting an account and checking on it every so often, unless you are one of those gullible assholes that falls for freemium.... But that is a rant for an other time.

So anyway I have recently gotten into an IWG called Clicker Heroes, which is great for that exact thing. It does have a freemium option, but rewards active play enough that I find the idea to be stupid. It s great to just let run in the back ground and only check back in every couple of minutes, or hours, or whatever. This game starts by making you play in the form of *gasp* clicking and the first hero you can buy simply increases the damage you do with your clicks. However all of the ones past it increase DPS (Damage Per Second).

All the while as you level your heroes you are building toward hero souls which will also be rewarded by Primal Bosses... The number of hero souls you have increases your DPS, but you can also spend them on Ancients which have various benefits... Either way I have read the Clicker Heroes Wiki a few times and have gotten to the point where I ascend every 12-24 hours with 2000+ hero souls.

But that is off topic, if you like that style of game go and check it out. I have been playing for about 150 days at the time of writing this and still find it just as entertaining as when I started.

Go with hope in your eyes, piece in your heart, and a cobra in your belly. Walk tall in the name of the Honey Badger.

King out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Three Days and Video Games.

Hello again my friend.

Come, sit with me by the fire and I will tell you of my last few days.

It all started when I woke up to my day off on monday. I went on a great pub crawl with The Badger King, talked with Jesus, and then went to church for some drinks at the slipper. Tuesday is when things really took off. Ya see I was playing borderlands 2 and catching up on the DLC that I haven't played yet ( I know, it has been out forever, I should be through all of it once already but get off my back.) At about 6, I met a friend for his b day dinner at China Buffet. It was delicious and we talked of games. He mentions this game called nom nom galaxy and let me tell you. I have had no time left. I have spent 2 days working to build a galactic soup empire and you should check it out!

Again the name of the game is Nom Nom Galaxy. I play on the ps4 under the name spook_fisher. Look me up and lets make some soup cuz that is where I am going to be for the next few days.

Gaming with you in spirit,

The Grand Badger.


This was going to be a post about properly managing your time so things like video games didn't take up all of it, but then I started thinking about Nom Nom galaxy and well, I need to get back to my soup empire. I should have this cobra defeated soon enough.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The King Talks of Mad Max

So, after MisCon, which I will discuss in better detail later, The Grand Badger and I decided to catch Mad Max Fury Road in glorious 3D.

And let me tell you... It was TOTALLY worth it. This movie is stellar the action was high, and the story unfolded perfectly. There were moments that were so cheesy I scoffed and laughed at the same time. I was brought to tears a couple of times, and not just because of what had happened to the good guys.

I had sympathy for a couple of the bad guys as well, they were solid characters. Lets be real it is rare to see truly well rounded characters in a post apocalyptic scenario, they lived by knowing what to do and not changing it, I mean your main characters will always grow and learn and eat (all of the usual human stuff) but even the bad guys (the antagonists!) grew, not all of them but some, and it made for a movie full of feels.

I did not ever see it in 2D, though the Grand Badger had seen it in that fashion originally and said it was worth watching a second time, a friend of mine was trying to convince an other friend that 3D is the way to see it and talking about how it was all background. While he was describing it, it wasn't that great of the glory that was being accomplished. Instead of popping out every couple of moments, the movie popped inward, it was like watching through a window only in a couple of instances did anything pop out of the screen at you, but it fit and was done well.

Also the guitarist is worth the ticket price alone.

King Badger out, sleep well my babies.