Thursday, June 11, 2015


Addiction is a disgusting word, that we throw around far too freely. Many people out there are battling one type of addiction or an other, and it is truly difficult to face.

I chose this topic, because I am in the midst of quitting smoking, which I use for many purposes. I should outline my smoking before continuing, I have wanted to smoke for as long as I can remember. The smell, the taste, the moment alone in time where you tame fire and breath it in. The fellowship that only smokers truly understand (I have shared many an enjoyable cigarette with so many enemies it is not even funny).

When I was younger Joe Camel was a pretty serious icon, I never wanted to smoke because of him, smoking was always second to what he was doing that I thought was cool. Joe Camel wore a leather jacket, I own and wear a leather jacket. Joe Camel shot pool, I love pool though am sadly out of practice with it, but was decent for a while. Joe Camel hung out with his friends, I wish I were able to do that more often. Joe Camel rode a motorcycle, I grew up around bikers and always loved it from the sounds to wind whipping through your hair while driving hazardously... It was all great, smoking was just something he also happened to be doing while all of the fun was taking place.

I am no saying Joe Camel didn't influence many, many, children to smoke. I am just saying I wanted to smoke long before I ever noticed Joe Camel did also.

But smoking aside I have dealt with a few forms of addiction. I have had video game addictions, caffeine addictions, soda addictions, even food addictions... None of them have been fun to kick.

Laugh all you want but when The Sims first came out I played it so long that I started to dream in it. I swore I could understand the language. When I was going to do something if someone stepped in my way I would throw my hands up and make an appeal to the ceiling and the mull around for a bit. This one was one of the easiest to get by. I missed my little people, my little friends, my little family... But with time Ice Ice Homey and Chickey Mofo were forgotten and my life progressed.

Caffeine on the other hand was loads of fun I got headaches nausia and nose bleeds. I couldn't think straight or tolerate people for more than a passing moment. But I got that monkey so far under control that I can now have a coffee without fear of relapse, though it is only one every now and again.

Soda one is weird, because it pertains to all aspects of soda, from the sweet sweet corn syrup-y thickness to the allegedly fruit flavored toxic color... Right down to the fizzyness. Every time I relapse, which has thankfully become more rare (I work in fast food it is hard not to grab an "Ice cold cup of refreshment" anytime I want) I ween myself off with carbonated water, soda water, whatever you want to call it. But I got the stratagy for that nailed down.

As for food, disagree all you want but I used to love McDonalds, then I didn't eat it for a long time when I finally gave in to the craving for a Big Mac it was the most delicious thing I had eaten. A few days later, however, My body felt heavy, sluggish, weak, I was nauseous, I had a headache and I though I had gotten some level of spring flu but all I could think was "A Big Mac will make me feel better I better go get one" I did and I was right but three days later it happened again, and I noticed the pattern. I don't think the conspiracies are necessarily true, but it happened to me.

So to try to finish out this ramble before you quit reading (since you obviously haven't yet) remember when you are dealing with addiction there are dumber things people have been, and currently are, addicted to and seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of be it from a friend, a stranger, a blog, or a professional/

Keep it cool babies, the Badger loves you.
King Badger

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