Friday, June 26, 2015

Poetry is Hard

A sermon in the form of a poem.

Here in this church we believe many things
From trial and error our poor thoughts gain wings
Our wisdom hard earned and well fought for
We seek all we can craving always for more

We drink from no chalice but pass me a flask
If you don't know us you might as well ask
If never you ask you shall never learn
If never you question you shall always yearn

Question everything or deserve all you get
There is but one lesson we shall tech you yet
Accept all as they are and tolerate not the false
Life is a dance but make your own waltz

Roll with the punches throw a few of your own
No one can you what you will call home
This church rolls but also it rocks
The Honey Badgers
First Montana Orthodox

Sorry for that I haven't written poetry since I was young and misunderstood, like everyone my age. But I felt the need to try to lay some verse out there. I love creative expression in just about any form. As long as it is to be creative expression and not simply destruction.

I love graffiti, I love art that is made to exist only for a moment, for the people/person who saw it created. Sculptures, paintings, photographs, are all very cool but not many have really touched me the same way a pattern walked into the sand at low tide has. I should come clean I have only seen pictures of this, because I live inland but given the opportunity I would spend hours watching it, just to have been there. I also feel that pictures capture the essence f that art and steal it.

This is just how I feel however. Where do your thoughts ride on that front? What calls out to you?

Does anyone know why I am the King, or what it means?
King Badger

1 comment:

  1. I have been enjoying momentary art lately too. the Prince Badger keeps lamenting that I don't keep his drawings, but I always tell him we keep the best ones and memorize the other ones so we have room for more art on the wall as he grows. If he had it his way I would have literally 10 boxes full of every single piece of art he has ever made.

    Having seen the way the waves wash sand art away in person, I quite agree that is is far more beautiful than most lasting art. The photos don't ever do it justice.
