Thursday, June 25, 2015

Introduction and Stay at Home Parenthood

Some of you may know that Badger the King has a younger sister. I am that sister. I am also going to join these fine gentlemen in writing for this blog. I am generally not the most active member of the church, this is mostly due the fact that I am fortunate enough to be a homemaker. Which I feel like more children need.  

This generation has been programmed to need instant gratification, and to always be entertained. There is a severe lack of discipline in this age of working parents and technology. People would rather get their kids out of their hair and sit them in front of the TV, tablet, or computer. I feel that it is important for children to play outside and make their own adventures rather than spending all their summer playing inside on someone else’s story. 

I am not saying it is not okay to play video games or to let children play video games. I am just saying that there needs to be more outside play and less screen time. In my house we have a rule, if the sun is shining my oldest is either outside playing or playing with Legos. The baby will have the same rule once he’s bigger. For now we all just run around the yard fighting dragons, eating cobra feasts, and playing in the sprinkler. Then once the sun goes down if he earned it we play a little Minecraft. 

I love being able to stay home with my kids, and I love that they know they are loved. They never have to wonder about that, which for some that’s not the case.  The best thing you can give your children is your time, attention, and affection. 

Catch ya on the flip side.
-Badger Rose

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